65" Class (64.5" Diag.) LED 8000 Series Smart TV

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Price in points:5400 points
Brand: Samsung
You save: $1,10000

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For the ultimate TV enthusiasts, incredible picture quality and advanced connectivity are just the first step; the Samsung UN65D8000 LED TV goes a step beyond, adding elegant design to the formula. On the commanding 65-inch screen you can enjoy Samsung' Smart TV, which puts the web, a wide range of apps, Skype video calling, and plenty more at your fingertips. Or connect a Blu-ray 3D player to get immersed in cinema-quality 3D programming--two pairs of active glasses are included.


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Very good quality.
Absolutely enjoy this TV. The colors are amazing: the depth, the balance and everything else is just top notch! I can plug in my hard drive and watch videos instantly! I am still amazed at the clarity from all the angles. Just getting into Blue-ray capabilities now. Although the price is relatively high, I can truly say that it's a stunning piece of technological craftsmanship.
Broke the next day. It probably got damaged during shipping. I had to ask for a replacement, and it has just arrived today. So far so good.
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Sorry to hear about the problem! We hope that the replacement serves you well. If not, don't hesitate to let us know!